Lei Kei: A Fresh and Youthful Animation

Revitalizing a Traditional Vegetable Wholesale Market

The animation of Lei Kei, created by Cliffs Studio, brings a fresh and youthful perspective to a traditional vegetable wholesale market. With its vibrant colors and abstract style, this animation aims to attract a younger audience and highlight the one-stop service offered by the market.

Inspired by the client's desire to appeal to a younger demographic, Cliffs Studio applied motion graphics skills and a bright color palette to create a sense of freshness and energy. The animation follows the process of customer service, starting from planting the seeds, hydroponics, transport, packaging, and delivering products to distributors.

One of the unique features of Lei Kei is its alignment with the grid and color tone of the poster and packaging design. By maintaining a consistent theme of freshness, the animation effectively showcases the market's one-stop service, which includes vegetable planting, transport, and packaging.

The realization of this design involved extending the designer's packaging design and incorporating unique and creative motion graphics techniques. The animation was created using Maya and After Effects, resulting in a high-definition 1080P video with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Throughout the project, Cliffs Studio faced various challenges, including presenting the client's ideas within a limited length. Extensive research, brainstorming, and analysis were conducted to establish a unique brand identity for the market. Despite the challenges, the animation successfully highlights the client's brand and sets it apart from its competitors.

Lei Kei was exhibited in Macau in September 2017, following its completion in the same month. The animation received the Bronze A' Design Award in the Movie, Video, and Animation Design category in 2018. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Lei Kei, with its youthful and vibrant approach, breathes new life into a traditional vegetable wholesale market. Through its motion graphics and abstract style, this animation successfully captures the attention of a younger audience and showcases the market's comprehensive services.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ben Cheong
Image Credits: Image #1: Director Ben Cheong, Lei Kei, 2017. Image #2: Director Ben Cheong, Lei Kei, 2017. Image #3: Director Ben Cheong, Lei Kei, 2017. Image #4: Director Ben Cheong, Lei Kei, 2017. Image #5: Director Ben Cheong, Lei Kei, 2017.
Project Team Members: Branding Design: Hei Chu Producer: Hei Chu Art Director: Hei Chu 3D Director: Ben Cheong 3D Artist: Eric Leong 3D Artist: Alan Un 3D Artist: Terry Chong Sound Design: Summer Ha
Project Name: Lei Kei
Project Client: Ben Cheong

Lei Kei IMG #2
Lei Kei IMG #3
Lei Kei IMG #4
Lei Kei IMG #5
Lei Kei IMG #5

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